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FiveRocks Development SE
13. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Die Erschwinglichkeit von Wohnimmobilien in Deutschland
Der Immobilienmarkt in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt, insbesondere in Bezug auf die erschwinglichen...
FiveRocks Development SE
19. Jan. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
What is a Club-Deal?
The offers for private investors to participate in club deals are increasing. Private investors therefore also have the opportunity to...
FiveRocks Development SE
19. Jan. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Was ist ein Club-Deal?
Die Angebote für private Investoren an Club-Deals zu partizipieren nehmen verstärkt zu. Private Investoren haben somit auch die...
FiveRocks Development SE
27. Jan. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Summary of the 2021/2022 report by Colliers analyzing the German residential real estate market
The Residential Property Report Colliers 2021/2022 analyses the German real estate market in comparison to other European markets and...
FiveRocks Development SE
27. Jan. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Current developments of the German residential market
What is the situation regarding the development of the housing industry in Germany? The impact of the Corona pandemic has had a strong...
FiveRocks Development SE
27. Jan. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
How is my money invested for retirement, for example?
The path of pension contributions via pension funds into "blind pools" and further into the economy next door - an opaque web for those...
FiveRocks Development SE
27. Jan. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Corona and its consequences for the real estate industry
The Corona crisis has kept the world on tenterhooks for more than half a year. The effects on the economy are enormous and will probably...
FiveRocks Development SE
27. Jan. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Wealthy people shift their money into residential real estate
The stock markets are slowly leveling off after having plummeted significantly since the "Covid-19 Crash" - a reason to lock in profits....
FiveRocks Development SE
27. Jan. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Investors take refuge in physical assets
Die aktuelle Corona-Krise hat viele Investoren verunsichert und zwischenzeitlich zu starken Verwerfungen an den Aktienmärkten geführt.
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